
At ACF we know how important planning is. Extra time spent tweaking the forming sequence and tool layout can shorten the time required during the part development phase. Add to this our depth of knowledge in the fields of metal flow, tool design, tool manufacturing, part development, secondary machining, and production cold forming, all contributing to the success of your projects. We understand the many facets of your business because we have experience in each one.

We have expertise in tooling parts from micro-former size up to as large as 50mm in diameter. We have tooled machine brands including all Nationals, Jern Yao, Sacma, Nedschroef, Carlo Salvi, Hatebur, Nakashimada, Asahi Okuma Sunac, Sakamura, Waterbury, Matsumoto, Malmedie and Moroni.

The following examples are varying projects we have successfully designed or directed the design of while working decades in the metal forming industry.

  • All types of cold formed parts from basic standard fasteners to complex specials requiring as many as seven forming stations in one machine

  • Short and long parts

  • Parts requiring flattening parallel to the centerline

  • Parts requiring threads (coined on in the header)

  • Parts requiring draw-wiping the O.D.

  • Parts extruded with splines or involute tooth forms

  • Parts requiring side-marking with logo or part number

  • Parts requiring trimming

  • Tubular parts

  • Parts with special shapes extruded inside or outside

  • Parts requiring segmented tooling to open and clear a part feature after forming

  • Parts requiring forming a blank in the header followed by annealing and coating and then feeding into a press to complete

  • Parts formed from low to high carbon steel, alloy steels, copper and brass, aluminum, stainless steel, silver, lead, platinum, etc.